School limited opening and home learning

In order to protect both elements of provision – in school and remote – we need to ensure staffing resilience. We intend to do this by capping numbers of pupils attending in-school provision and through employing some additional staff.

These arrangements mean that we will be able to enhance our daily provision of remote learning. Each year group will have two of our own teachers, with support, running remote learning classes. There will be a minimum of two Zoom sessions for each ‘class’ as well as many other opportunities to share, get support and to come together virtually. Assemblies will have a Zoom link. Reading support will continue. Pastoral and other support staff will contact families and be available from school. 

We know many parents and children will be disappointed that we cannot offer more places. These arrangements have been discussed at length by school leaders, with school governors and with Sheffield City Council. We have to do this to make remote learning work. You can find more explanation of our thinking on the Headteacher's weekly blog here.

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