All our policies support UNICEF's Rights Respecting Schools Awards and the rights of each child.
- Attendance Policy
- Calculation Policy
- Charges and Remissions Policy
- Complaints Policy
- Data Protection and Privacy Notice
- Disability Access Plan
- Equality Statement
- Handwriting Policy
- Home School Communication Policy
- Homework Policy
- Online Safety Policy
- PSHE including Relationships Health Education
- Positive Behaviour Policy
- Safeguarding Policy
- Values and Ethos
- Volunteer Policy
Attendance Policy
Good attendance and punctuality are vital if pupils are to achieve their potential. Lydgate Junior School is committed to working with parents / carers and pupils to ensure that each pupil benefits from the academic, personal and social opportunities available to them.
Our school enjoys, year on year, higher attendance rates than the national average (96.2% compared to 92.8%) but this still means over 3,000 days of school lost per year.
Our attendance target is currently is 97.4% - please help us achieve this!
This document also provides further information on requesting exceptional term time leave.
Download the full policy here.
Calculation Policy
Our calculation policy sets out the steps that the children will follow in order to develop their conceptual understanding of the written calculation procedures that they learn. By the end of Key Stage 2, we aim for our children to know and understand an efficient written procedure for each of the four operations.
Follow the links to view our full calculation progressions for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Handwriting Policy
We currently follow the Sheffield Structured Handwriting Scheme to teach handwriting within school.
Download the full policy here.
Online Safety Policy
Online safety encompasses Internet technologies and electronic communications such as mobile phones and wireless technology. It highlights the need to educate children and young people about the benefits and risks of using new technology and provides safeguards and awareness for users to enable them to control their online experiences.
The school’s online safety policy will operate in conjunction with other policies including those for Pupil Behaviour, Bullying, Curriculum, Data Protection and Security.
Download the full policy here.
Parent, carer & educator guides
ROBLOX | Sharing photos online | Parental controls for apps — Iphone |
Age-inappropriate content | Online financial scams & exploitation | Parental controls for apps — Android |
Positive Behaviour Policy
Good behaviour is much more than pupils simply doing as they are told. Pupils' good behaviour is crucial to the ethos of a school and to the well-being of those who belong to the school community. It is, therefore, necessary to state clearly the kind of school community we wish to create and to identify those characteristics of conduct and behaviour which will help us to achieve it.
Our Pupils' Positive Relationship Policy, summarises the ways in which we think it is reasonable to expect children to behave in school, but we recognise that they will need adult support and guidance if they are to succeed.
We believe that children's education, in its fullest sense, should be a shared responsibility involving school staff and parents in partnership and, for this reason, the influences of both are addressed below.
Download the full policy here.
Safeguarding Policy
The aim of this policy is to safeguard and promote our pupil’s welfare, safety, health and guidance by fostering an honest, open, caring and supportive climate. The pupil’s welfare is of paramount importance.
Lydgate Junior School fully recognises the contribution it must make to protect children and support pupils in school. The school follows all the procedures and policies detailed on the Safeguarding Sheffield Children website.
This school has signed up to Operation Encompass, allowing key adults in school, Police and teams within Sheffield City Council, to work together to help children feel safe, secure and receive appropriate support. For more information visit Operation Encompass.
Download the full policy here.
Values and Ethos
The ethos of our school is embedded in a rights respecting culture which ensures an inclusive and welcoming environment where we explore, learn and achieve together in a positive and inspiring school. From firm foundations we build strong, skilful, self-motivated pupils with ambition to be the best they can be. We are proud that our school is a safe, happy place to be and we are also pride ourselves on a curriculum that is not only stimulating, relevant and engaging for all, but one that enables all pupils, regardless of gender, background and ability to achieve to their potential.
Download the full policy here.
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