Rights Respecting School (RRS)


UNICEF is an organisation working specifically for children and their rights. Its mission is to campaign for the protection of children’s rights in order to meet children’s basic needs and empower them to realise their full potential.

As a Rights Respecting School, who have recently been awarded our gold accreditation, we place the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) at the heart of our school. The Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA) recognises achievement in making children’s rights central to its ethos, planning, policies and practice. For a copy of our gold accreditation report see here.  You can also see our silver accreditation report see here. 

The children have learnt a song about the Rights of the Child

What is a Rights Respecting School?

Our Rights Respecting School Ethos

Our Whole School Charter

Watch our video about the RRS Whole School Charter

Our Class Charter

UNCRC — Rights of the Child

Our Global Welcome 

Our Global Goals

Becoming a Plastic Clever School

Our Link School - The Gambia

The Goodwill Village

Voice Boxes


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