Friday 18th June 2021

The Ship of Shadows. 

In Y5 this half term, we are reading a great book called The Ship of Shadows. It is an adventure story, with pirates, sea monsters and a big secret.

In Y5NL this week, we have been looking at the character of Aleja, who is the main character in the book. She is an adventurous girl who wants to be an explorer. To find out about her character, firstly we read the first 6 chapters of the book and looked for evidence to tell us what she was like. 

Next, we made a 'role on the wall' to get all our ideas down on paper. After that, we did a hot seating session. We thought of lots of questions to ask the characters and then we acted it out, with different people playing the parts. This gave us lots more ideas about Aleja. 

Finally, we got all our ideas together and wrote a description of Aleja's character. We could also draw a picture of what we think she looks like if we wanted to. We are looking forward to reading more of the book to find out what the secret is! 

Plastic Clever Campaign

As part of our RRS lessons we have focused on our effort to become a plastic clever school. In Year 5 we have written a proposal to Mr Jones, Mrs Farrell and the governors of our school to suggest ways we can recycle plastic items. We have also focussed on ways to remove single use plastic items in our school. We are really excited to hear their response!

In Year 5BB, we have had lots of fun related to our topic: pirates! In music, we listened to sea shanties and were able to sing along with them (our favourite being wellerman). We have also been learning new techniques in art to make treasure maps, but we found it even more interesting that historians don't know for sure if pirates even used treasure maps. In the words of Lolia, "This really gave fun vibes!"

We have also had lots of fun in ICT as we began our journey to making our own podcasts. We all enjoyed listening to the boys in Jacob's group singing into the microphones - keep practising boys!

By Lolia and Molly Y5BB



The caterpillars had grown so much when we arrived back in school on Monday, we couldn't believe it! Throughout this week, we have watched them growing and moving around, until they started to hang from the lid in a J shape. This is what they looked like on Wednesday:

Each caterpillar has now become a pupa. Here is what they look like as pupae:

They will stay like this for a week or two until the butterflies are ready to emerge. It has been so interesting to see the life cycle happening in real life! 

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