A great start to the year!
We have had a great start to year 5 this week. All the children have risen to the challenge of life in year 5 with great enthusiasm. As the children have all remained in the same class groupings and they are now very familiar with the junior school, we just launched straight into our normal timetable of lessons from the very first day. The children have enjoyed starting to research how to make a mummy in ICT (especially the gory bits about the brain!) and have already learned how to make papyrus paper and written a set of instructions about how to do this. Much of our learning this half term will be linked to our history topic on Ancient Egypt so next week the children will be writing their names on papyrus paper using hieroglyphics. By the end of the half term they will have a written a manual for trainee embalmers detailing fully the steps required to mummify a pharaoh. On Friday the children made their choices for Enrichment Time and are very excited about starting these sessions next Friday afternoon. This is a very special time in year 5 each week when we offer the children the chance to choose an activity that is designed to enrich their experience of school and maybe develop their interests and talents. This half term, the 4 options are a football league, time in our woods, painting and drama.
The Year 5 Team
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