A really creative week

Our Year 4s have impressed us all year with their creativity and this week has been no exception! Once again, we have some super work to share with you.

This week, the children have turned detective, trying to work out who was responsible for the sinking of the Titanic. They have discovered the willow pattern story and written some poetry. They have done a rainbow colour hunt outside. They have even made huge junk models of the digestive system. What a fun and varied week of learning.

The children in school sewed their own face masks. They look very professional!

Raya wanted to share all this lovely writing about 'Henry's Freedom Box'. 

She has also enjoyed our science experiments, growing things in the garden and observing this very cute squirrel!

We are absolutely convinced she is going to be a nurse one day. Look at this fantastic diagram of the digestive system, using things she found around the house. Great learning.

Here's another example of a junk model digestive system. Ellie has written fun facts as labels. What a clever idea.

Isabel made her digestive system using ACTUAL food. Inspired!

Here's someone else who decided to use food to make a digestive system - he made bread. Fun and tasty!

Ethan has been enlisting the help of his Auntie Rosie. She's a doctor at Manchester Children's Hospital and has been giving him virtual lessons on digestion. His granny has been helping him with his maths online too. A real family affair!

Here's another 3D digestive system - actual life size! Such an inventive use of junk materials. 

The paper plate shows the willow pattern story. We have looked at, read and listened to a few versions of the story. We then had a go at writing our own. We also designed plates, either depicting the story or another well-known tale. Here's another design.

Here'a another plate. Harry used coloured pencils to make this delicate design after he'd written an imaginative story about a Chinese dragon. Great work Harry.

This clever girl made her willow pattern plate from a traditional tale but which one? It looks like the little girl is enjoying that porridge!

Jacob enjoyed writing his story and then made this plate design. He's done a traditional tale too. Can you spot which one? There's a bit of huffing and puffing going on!

Jacob has also rediscovered TTRockstars this week (your teacher is pleased to hear this Jacob) and he has worked on a poster to show how you can be kind to yourself. Some very important top tips on here Jacob. 

Finlay has finally finished his Spring diary, with a difference - it's a film! He has cleverly created this timelapse clip to show the changes he observed over a few weeks. Absolutely beautiful work.


Here's a boy who is happy with his work. He's worked so hard over the last few weeks - here is just a tiny bit of what he's been doing. He's very proud to have mastered tricky spellings and has practised his maths skills. He has also read three Roald Dahl books. Look at that smile!

Alex decided to take inspiration from his brother's Y3 home learning this week. He was inspired to write a Greek myth about a 3-headed, 3-tailed monster and he's done a brilliant job. Here it is.

This super sleuth enjoyed playing detective on board the Titanic. He also found some willow pattern china at home and found time to do this intricate pebble design. Well done.

We have more budding artists who want to share their work. Charlie has made these gorgeous clay animals. He is in school every day but he found time to make these at home. Great work Charlie. 

Ninaad was keen to show us all his cartoon drawing skills with this picture. Very impressive Ninaad.

And finally, huge congratulations to Isla. You may remember this painting she made for the Broomhill Festival art competition.

Well, she only went and won! Along with her £10 voucher prize, her painting will be displayed in the window of Broomhill library so look out for it if you pass. Well done Isla - we are very proud.

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