A wet and wonderful week of learning
Hello Year 4s. What a week it has been! School has looked and felt quite different this week as we have been working in our new little groups, called bubbles. We've had lots to remember - washing our hands, keeping our distance, staying in our seats, playing in the same spot on the playground, wiping keyboards and equipment and only having 4 people in the cloakroom. We quickly got used to the new routines and have enjoyed making new friends. We've all been doing the same learning this week, at home and at school, although the children at home haven't had wet playtimes!
Not everyone has sent in work to show but we know you are doing wonderful things at home because you told us when we spoke to you on the phone (the highlight of your teachers' weeks!) Your effort with your learning has astounded us - it just gets better and better. Take a look.
Ruby really enjoyed working on her alien booklet. her mum says she found it hilarious!
She has also worked hard on a comprehension about the Titanic and completed some new learning about the digestive system. Well done Ruby.
We know this lad likes his science. He also labelled the digestive system but decided to make his diagram life-sized!
Mrs Wymer really liked this idea so the children in CW bubble did this too. Here they are in action. You can see they also did a scavenger hunt in the woods. They didn't mind getting a bit soggy.
Jacob made this informative timeline about the Titanic, noting all the important dates on the ship's journey. Good work Jacob.
The Titanic has featured in lots of our learning this week. The children in SS bubble have started to make illustrated timelines, just like Jacob's. This clever girl did hers at home. It was so long, she had to send Mrs Purdom a video clip so she could see it properly! She also learnt all about the class divide on board the ship and made this table to show the differences. Brilliant work.
Alex made his Titanic timeline while sitting in a homemade den constructed of cushions, a blanket and his duvet. Sounds like a cosy place to work!
He also enjoyed making this leaflet all about his imaginary planet, Zargon 10. Great writing Alex.
Ellie wrote this advert for her planet. Beautifully presented, as always Ellie. Well done.
The highlight of Ellie's week was finding out about some of the passengers on board the Titanic. She researched every person in this collage and was so inspired, she has downloaded two books about the story onto her Kindle. She told her mum it didn't feel like schoolwork!
Isla researched people on board the Titanic too. She made these fascinating picollages showing what life was like on board for first, second and third class passengers. Can you spot the differences?
Olivia was interested in the class system too. She made this chart to show how life on board was different depending on who you were. So much information here Olivia - well done.
Olivia also enjoyed our music learning, set by Mrs Ridsdale. She has created this wonderful soundscape which really makes you feel as if you're by the sea. Have a listen with your eyes closed....
Allen has labelled the digestive system and he is also continuing to work on his writing. Keep up the good work Allen.
Josh has worked really hard on his handwriting while he's been learning at home. Can you spot the gold stars?
This busy boy has done all sorts of great things with his brother over the last couple of weeks. He enjoyed the playing the money maths game, even though he lost. He was super fast at making and racing his hovercraft though.
They did the book scavenger hunt, which turned into quite a workout as their mum made them fetch the books one by one! They also made this brilliant snakes and ladders board, looking for evil places to put the snakes.
We know he can cook (remember the lasagne?) and this mac n cheese looks delicious! He's been growing things too and is hoping for a bumper crop of cucumbers. Great stuff boys.
Here are two more brothers who are enjoying their home learning together. Here they are doing a Joe Wickes workout, followed by some square breathing relaxation. What a good idea.
And here they are with their new puppy. You've seen her before - remember those lockdown puppies from our blog a few weeks ago? Well, these lucky boys are the proud owners of one of them. Meet Jazzy! You have lots of fun times ahead boys.
Amid the excitement of a new puppy, there is always time for piano practice. We believe you are getting rather good? Keep going!
It's so important to be positive, especially in these strange times. Isla has been thinking about the statements I am, I have, I can. She says she feels very lucky. Thank you for sharing these positive thoughts Isla.
Here's another fantastic positive - this sporty girl has just completed an amazing 50 miles on her bike. She completed the challenge in May and was awarded this certificate and medal. What an achievement. Well done!
We've seen this young lady and her brother being creative before but this is going to take some beating - here is their Grandad Dave, as a scarecrow! This is their entry for the Crosspool scarecrow competition - you may have noticed some key workers popping up in gardens recently. Their grandad has been driving his bus throughout the pandemic and they wanted to say thank you to him. Thank you Grandad Dave from all of us too.
And finally, Thank you to all of those who have sent photographs of their fabric square for our piano cover project. Mrs Smith will send details of what to do with them shortly. In the meantime, here are a few contributions from year 4.
It's not too late if you would still like to make one - it might be a nice wet weekend activity! Send photos to our year group email by Monday 15th please.
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