Another busy week!

Hello everyone, it seems such a long time since we were all together at school but we are so pleased that we have this blog to keep us all in touch. This week has been busier than ever! Take a look at some of the lovely things we have been doing at home and in school.

Our rainbow fence continues to grow and grow. The children in school made these gorgeous rainbow dangles with Mrs Drury on Thursday. She is going to pinch them for her book corner when they come down!

They also worked out the perimeter of rectlinear shapes, using post-it notes!

Mrs Dutton worked with the year 3s and 4s earlier in the week and Noah and Carys made these troll paintings before working on some writing.

Mrs Wymer found a recipe for these yummy butterfly pizzas, combining cooking and maths. Can you see they are symmetrical?

The children at home have a been busy in the kitchen too. This kind boy made one for each member of his family.

This is Thomas' pizza. Delicious.

And here is Allen's pretty butterfly.

This lad is really dedicated. Not only has he been in school most days, he's also been doing some home learning at the weekends and has managed to finish a whole maths book. He's really proud of himself. Quite right too!

This week marked the bicentenary of Florence Nightingale's birth. We thought it was the perfect time to celebrate her achievements and what she has done for nursing so the children in Year 4 have been learning all about her life.

Look how hard George has worked.

Can you see he wrote an acrostic poem using the letters of her name?

Minnie did the same thing. Very impressive.

And so did Jacob. He enjoyed learning about her links to Shore Lane too.

Allen wrote his poem on 12th May, Florence Nightingale's actual birthday!

This is Isla's poem. She's very proud of it. Quite right too - it's brilliant.

Ellie did some research and wrote this wonderful biography.

George has enjoyed his geography work this week. He has been learning all about mountains and rivers.

He's also made this brilliant fact file all about the Amazon river. 

Alex made a river fact file too. He chose the Amur river in Russia. Great research Alex.

Isla looked at rivers and mountains, like George. She chose a river close to home and the highest mountain in Wales. Good work Isla.

Here are some of the things Olivia has been enjoying over the last couple of weeks. What a busy girl!

As you can see, she loves being outside so making a wormery really appealed to her. Here is a detailed diagram of what she made.

Janek is enjoying having time to do more drawing and graffiti art. We love it. Check out the signature!

Someone else has been super creative this week. Look at this beautiful art work made from clay, paint and buttons.

Some of you had a go at creating illuminated letters. Here are three of your designs. They will look great on your bedroom doors.

Here is an incredible Lego maze. We were treated to a video to prove it actually worked! What a clever girl.

The highlight of the week for this hardworking boy was learning to use power tools! He had to use them safely and be really careful when building this bug hotel. 

Science has been a favourite again this week. Here's someone testing out the glass of water experiment over his brother's head. It worked - phew!

Look at the results from this rainbow salt and ice experiment. It worked really well.

Allen also worked on the rainbow ice experiment. He has explained each stage, like a true scientist.

This young lady got her big sister to join in with her science experiment. They were pleased with their results - very pretty!

And finally, we have three bits of exciting news to share.

First of all, this lucky lad and his brother received a very special message this week from none other than Tim Peake! They made this fantastic space station over the Easter holidays and were delighted when they got this picture of Tim spacewalking. It had a message to the boys and all at Lydgate Junior school written on it.

Secondly, this young lady really has had her hands full. Look what happened - lock down puppies! They are adorable.

And they weren't the only lock down babies. Huge congratulations to this lovely girl and all her family on the safe arrival of a new baby girl. We know you will be a fantastic big sister. Lovely news to share. 

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