Another week flies by

Well, here we are, at the end of half term. How time flies! It's been another busy week at home and school. Take a look and see what we have all been up to.

The children in school have had a real treat this week and been in the woods with Rohan, our friend from the Foresteers. They enjoyed all sorts of outdoor activities, socially distanced of course! Maths work was all about fractions. They even did some of that outside with Mrs Dutton's clever fraction orienteering trail. English work included writing troll stories and doing a picture quiz from First News. Lego coding, friendship bracelets and rounders were also in the mix too. A rich and varied week all round.

Those of you at home have also been busy, working on lots of different projects. It's lovely to see such enthusiasm for our home learning and all the other things you have been spending your time on too. We have lots of budding gardeners and bakers!

George has sent in lots of work this week. He's been really busy. He's been working hard on fractions.

He's written a story and done a book scavenger hunt.

He's honed his map skills.

And he's made this beautiful photographic rainbow. Good work George!

Hollie has been super busy too. She's been enjoying David Walliams and Enid Blyton books; she's worked on times tables and spellings; and she is especially proud of her Florence Nightingale poem because it rhymes.

These are the results of her science experiment with salt and ice.

She has shown she knows lots about continents and rivers - more than her mum apparently!

She's even found time to fit in creative projects. Here is her illuminated letter, her brilliant Grinch loo roll and her 'work in progress' milk carton penguin. Great work Hollie!

We know Diane is creative too. Here are some examples which show off her superb drawing skills. She's drawn a llama, a lion, a crocodile and a three-headed dragon.

Charlie has made the most amazing abstract alphabet. He must have been collecting the photographs for ages! Can you spot what he has used to create the letters? Some really ingenious ideas here Charlie. Well done.

This lad has been busy with science again. This time, he's been investigating melting ice caps. He says it was a perfect experiment for this hot weather!

Someone else has been enjoying science too. Here she is exploring electronics - making her own circuits connected to bulbs, fans, flying discs and music. She's also made these gorgeous wind chimes. 

Harry made this illuminated letter and then cleverly used it to start this very spooky story. It made Mrs Drury shudder!

Allen has been enjoying his writing too. Here is his Narrow Escape story. Well done Allen.

Janek was pleased with his Narrow Escape story. He sent it in as soon as it was finished!

He's also been busy working on the ice and salt experiment. Great stuff.

As well as spotting birds in his garden (he was lucky enough to spot a sparrowhawk) Alex has been experimenting too. He has written up the melting ice cap experiment like a true scientist!

He has written his Narrow Escape story too but has done two versions, from the point of view of the predator and the prey. So clever!

This clever girl is full of great ideas. She has made a fraction wall to help her with her maths and she has baking Fridays! That cake looks scrummy.

The grateful hand picture shows us all the things she is thankful for. Just lovely.

As today is officially the last day of the half term, we are now on holiday. There won't be any home learning set for this week but here is a fun challenge you could have a go at. 

 @7stories launched a twitter challenge recently to recreate a book cover at home. We love this idea and thought it would really appeal to our creative lot. Here are a few ideas to inspire you.

Please send us your photos and we'll put them on the blog next week. We are looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

Have a lovely break. Stay safe everyone.

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