Back to 'school'

We hope that you all had a happy and healthy half term holiday - lots of alliteration there! As we start a new half term, some of you have been learning at school, while many of you have been doing 'school' at home. Wherever you have been, there has been lots of learning going on, as you will see from all the work that has been shared. 

School has looked a bit different this week, as furniture has been rearranged to allow social distancing. However, although it might look a bit different, it is still the same friendly place and the children have worked hard and had lots of fun. Here are some Y5s working on the Rhi-swano-zeb-tah writing task.

Many of you at home have also been doing this writing task and we have had some great work shared with us, with lots of imaginative creatures. 

Here is Sophie's writing about her Snabifintah. 

Simeon has written about his Monhareirrel.

Nathan has also been working hard on this writing task. 

Here is some work from Amelia. As well as her home learning, she also had a fantastic time on the beach, enjoying the beautiful weather. She was even brave enough to go for a swim in the North Sea - brrr!

This boy has also been busy doing his English work and enjoying reading his latest book, as well as baking and designing a supercar for the Blue Peter competition. His very exciting news is that he is going to bring home this gorgeous puppy - Jazzy - in three weeks' time!

Isla also sent a photo of her pets - these two lovely cats - and has shared some of the home learning she has been doing. 

Sam has been working hard with his grandma, via twice-weekly Zoom meetings, to write his own exciting story based on 'The Game' workbook. 

He also used circuits - and his new glue gun - to create this impressive lighthouse model. The top rotates and the light comes on, just like a real lighthouse. 

Ellie has been at school this week but also found time to do lots of home learning. 

This girl has also been very creative. She has sewn her own protective mask to wear, made a poster about saving water, created her own patchwork piece and made this very professional-looking Swiss roll. 

This girl has also been using her sewing and creative skills this week. She used a weaving loom to make the background for her amazing patchwork piece and made herself a mask and matching scrunchie.

We have had more lovely patchwork squares for Mrs Smith's 'Patchwork Piano'; she is very excited to collect them and join them together when school is fully open again. 

These lovely designs are by Imogen and her sister Caitlin ... 

... and here is another great design by Annabel. 

This boy hasn't done much writing this week because he has injured his thumb. He has been very brave! He also wanted to share this book, which he is really enjoying reading. 

I hope you have enjoyed seeing what these people have shared with us. Don't forget to send your photos to and your work could be featured on the blog next week!

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