Homework 16-9-20

This week's homework pages are:

Maths pg 8 and 14

Reading pg 24 and 25

SPaG pg 7

We are also asking the children to research someone for their biography writing next week. Please find the instructions below:

Y6 Homework – Biography research.

We are going to be writing BIOGRAPHIES in Literacy next week.

Choose someone (famous or not – it’s up to you) that you would like to write about and find out as much as you can about their life.

E.g. key dates in their life, key places in their life, key people in their life, key moments in their life.

You can decide how to present your research (e.g. a timeline, pictures and writing, notes, paragraphs, a chart) but you need to make sure it will help YOU!

Please bring your research in by Wednesday 23/9/2020

Karen L. Cox | Biography Guidelines

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