Crucial Crew

Happy New Year!

Firstly, welcome back to Mrs Phillips who has returned from her maternity leave back to Year 6.

The Year has started well with a fantastic visit to Crucial Crew, which has given the children lots to be thinking about. The visit covered the following aspects:
• Road safety
• How to travel safely on a bus
• Child Criminal Exploitation
  • • First aid

As part of the learning the children visited a replica pub, a bus, a playground and a courtroom. They learned about the consequences involved if you break the law.


This week ,all y6s went to Crucial crew. We learnt skills like what happens when you hear a smoke alarm go off in the night. On the set, it was like a mini village! There was a park, a courtroom, a police station and even a pub.

We learnt that you can be sent to prison for four years for just carrying a knife.

It was a really interesting school trip and a great first week back at school from the Christmas holidays.

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