Education City - Sign Up Closes Friday!

As of this afternoon, 222 of you have signed up for 24 hour access. That's, 64 children in Y3, 58 in Y4, 62 in Y5 and 38 in Y6! We are hoping to beat last year's number of 338 children who signed up so as to make best use of the English, maths and science modules that we are purchasing as a school. The 338 children who signed up last year, completed 19,912 activities, viewed the learn screens 518 times, completed 647 tests, played against each other on PlayLive 8,718 times and downloaded 429 activity sheets all in their own time outside of school hours! Year 3 were the most regular users last year followed closely by Year 6 (in preparation for SATs maybe?). Sign up now to make the most of this fantastic resource!

The site has been updated to meet the requirements of the new, more challenging national curriculum and can be used to support your child's learning in class. Teachers will be encouraging children to use the site as often as possible and will be setting tasks and activities that match learning in school. 

Remember, if you don't sign up by Friday, you will have to join a waiting list and can only be given home access when we have ten children's names on that waiting list. If you are having any difficulties with accessing ParentPay, please contact the school office at some point before Friday

Mr Daly

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