Friday 11th December

The Christmas holidays are getting closer but we are still working hard in Year 4. We have been busy writing our volcano reports, working on our multiplication and division skills, writing up science experiments and learning all about Roman mosaics and chariots. We even managed to fit in a Zoom panto on Monday - oh yes we did!


We have been researching Roman mosaics. We learnt about how they were used to decorate their villas and we looked at some examples. We learnt that mosaics went out of fashion for many years and that they only really became popular again in the 19th Century. We had a look at the work of Antoni Gaudi - we loved his mosaics in Barcelona. We also looked at some pictures of mosaics by an artist called Andrew Logan. He makes big mosaic sculptures which are sometimes put in public places. We particularly like his giant eggs! 

We used all of these ideas as inspiration to make our own mosaic sculptures and tiles. We think we did a pretty good job.

Wednesday was our Forest school day. We had a lovely time doing a treasure hunt and some Christmas craft. We used sticks and twigs to make wreaths and then wrapped them in holly and ivy. There are lots of holly bushes in the woods. We were so pleased with the results - very festive!


Not wanting to repeat the description by 4JP, we also enjoyed both our clay designing and creating this week. We have also been very busy publishing our Volcano reports, look out for these on the blog after Christmas, as they are not quite finished yet. But we can promise they will be well worth the wait and we are looking forward to sharing our hard work with you all.


In Y4CW this week we have been thinking about our Roman chariots that we are going to make next week.  We have looked at how wheels move when attached to both free rotating axles and fixed axles.  Most of us found that the free rotating axle was more effective.  We had a lot of fun making these little carts and testing out our ideas.  Our designs have been planned this week and we will be making our chariots on Monday.

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