Friday 18th October

Y6NL Forest Schools.
This week in Y6NL, we have been doing some SATs assessments and working very hard. After we had done them all, we had a morning of Forest Schools.

In Forest Schools this week, we have been making homes for the forest creatures we made last week, using things we found in the forest. The way we have made our creatures was by using two pieces of fabric and a lot of dry leaves We looked after our creatures by keeping them in the homes that we made in groups. We made videos all about our creature homes and watched them when we went back to class.

After our hard building work, we had nice, warm cups of hot chocolate with custard cream biscuits. We then learnt how to make Woodland Talismans, using strong, sturdy sticks and a ball of wool. It was a bit hard but once we could do it, they looked really good. We will be making a display in our classroom to show them.

After we had done everything in the forest, we got to have fun and play for about 10 minutes. The forest is really fun to use in our school and we get to do awesome things in there. We have some lovely pictures down below - check out what have we been doing.
Geonu and Alex.


After assessment week last week it was nice to be back to a little bit of normality in Y6HN this week. If normality, includes Forest Schools and Bikeability that is!

Bikeability was so much fun! We learnt lots of new skills and are now much more confident when riding our bikes.

During Forest Schools we created our own forest creatures! We had a brilliant time collecting the leaves to create the stuffing however our favourite part was using the mud to draw on their faces.

We have also begun creating our Whole School Art pictures. We have chosen to paint Phoenixs and can not wait to show you the final products.

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