Friday 18th September

A huge congratulations to our first 'Stars of the Week' for this school year. They have been impressing their teachers with their hard work, positive attitudes and super behaviour. Well Done!

6SW have started creating art work for our whole school Fairy-Tales displays. Ours are mythical and magical forests. They look fantastic already and have been enjoyable to make - although we did make quite a mess. :)

In ICT, we have enjoyed creating Wordle posters about ourselves using a fantastic online free Wordle Creator which can be found at

In our English lessons, we have been writing biographies about Anne Frank, whilst empathising with her tragic life. We felt inspired by her resilient and positive attitude.


We have been recently reading our class book Letters from the Lighthouse.

We have also been doing our I am poems in English.We are working on circuits in science.

In maths we have been working on doing numbers. We have been rounding them too.

With Mrs Farrel, we started doing volleyball. It was quite fun.We have also been doing RE with



We have been creating backgrounds and publishing our 'I am' poems. Y6RJ have also been learning about Buddhism and their pilgrimages. Year 6 has been doing lots of tests to see what we need to learn. In indoor P.E, our class have been doing balances and rolls for our gymnastics topic. For our topic work, we have been learning about the British Empire and marking the countries on a map. Our whole class enjoyed this week and hope next week has less tests. :)

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