Friday 23rd October
Thank you, well done and happy holidays!
The year 4 staff would like to say a big thank you to all the children for being such a happy and enthusiastic bunch of learners, a big well done for coming to school with a positive attitude and taking on board all our new systems and rules and a very well deserved happy holidays!
Thank you to parents and families too, for your support during this long half term. It's been new and unusual but one that has been filled with lots of smiles and fun.
Here's a taste of what we have been getting up to this week:
In 4CW this week, we have been busy electing our school council representative. Nine of us put forward some fantastic presentations saying why we thought we would be suitable and also shared some of the good ideas we have. It was a lovely afternoon and everyone voted. Well done to Claudia who is going to be our class rep for this year.
In our literacy lessons, we have been studying Horrid Henry books and thinking about how the author creates suspense and makes us want to read on. We have really enjoyed these stories and have written our own, making up our own titles. We have had a go at drawing a few of the characters from these stories. Can you tell who they are?
We have also enjoyed writing our Horrid Henry themed stories too and have started our work on decomposition (subtraction) in Maths! This week we learnt all about the Roman army and how organised they were. We also found out about the three invasions of Britain in 55BCE / BC, 54BCE / BC and 42AD / CE. We are looking forward to our next lessons on the Romans next half term. Here is some of our work on Roman soldiers.
It's been all about Horrid Henry in our class too! We have done lots of work, leading up to writing our very own stories on a Horrid Henry theme. First of all, we thought about the characters of Henry and Peter and their friends. We studied their personalities and thought about their appearance and how they behave. Then we created our own Horrid Henry characters, with alliterative names. We had Crazy Carl, Naughty Nick, Lovely Lily and Daft Dexter - we had lots of fun making up all the new names. We watched Tony Ross on Youtube showing us how to draw Horrid Henry and then we had a go at drawing our new characters. We wrote their characteristics around our drawings.
Then we thought of a title for our stories. We had Luxurious Leo and the Lost Money, Miserable Meera and the First Day at School, Dirty Daniel gets Revenge and many more. Liam called his Reckless Rex and the New Vase. Can you guess what happens in his story?
Before we started writing, we organised our thoughts on a story map. We thought about the journey of the story and the order of events. Here are a few of our story maps:
This clever girl was so enthused about writing her story that she couldn't wait and she wrote hers at home! She called it Naughty Nick and the Great Eggy Adventure. She is busy publishing it at the moment. Here she is reading her story to the class. We all agree she is like a real author!
We are very proud of our efforts and Mrs Purdom is looking forward to being entertained by our stories over half term!
If you want to find out more about the world of Horrid Henry, this is a really good website:
And finally...... don't forget your research homework!
Everyone should have a copy of this in their homework books. It has also been emailed so the links are easy to access.
We hope you enjoy doing your Roman research and we are really looking forward to sharing your work when we return after the half term break.
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