Friday 25th January
Comfy Reading
In Year 6, we have decided to try something called comfy reading. We weren't very happy with the amount of reading we were doing each day because we didn't really have enough time to get into our stories. Because we get comfy at home when we read (some of us read in bed, some snuggle up on the sofa, most of us take our shoes off!) we thought we should get comfy at school too. Y6JP do comfy reading now for 30 minutes on Tuesdays and Fridays. We bring in cushions and blankets so we can get really relaxed and we love it.
Y6JP settle down to a good read!
In indoor P.E. this half term we have been doing circuit training. We have to complete various activities such as skipping and shuttle runs. We count how many of each activity we do. Each week, we are improving. We are starting to write a non-chronological report about a fictional planet named Pandora. Also, we have been writing own suspense story after reading and watching some written by other people. Here are some of our suspense stories.
In 6CW we have started writing a non-chronological report about a creature from a fictional planet called Pandora. For inspiration, we watched a short clip and gained ideas to help us in our writing. We have designed our own creatures and described their anatomy and next week we are going to be thinking about their diet. Here are a couple of quotes about what we think about this work:
"It is the funnest project I have done in Year 6 yet!" Louis
"I liked it, because of the way you get to make your own creature. You don't have to do exactly the same as everyone else." Lotte
"I liked the drawing of the made up creature, but I also liked writing about it aswell." Nell
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