Friday 25th September Week 3

In 6SW, we are now very familiar with how to write fantastic, effective biographies. We looked at great biographical examples and made posters to display the features of biographies to help to remind us. Our Biographies are coming along nicely and we will be editing our first drafts and then writing our finished drafts in our new 'Best Writing' books.

These are some of our posters, by: Paddy & Abdullah, Anya & Amelia, Remina, Laila & Annabel, and Will & Reuben.

This week in Y6HN we have been doing a lot of fluent in five mini Maths tests and played some volleyball in P.E. with Mrs. Farrell. We have started our first assessed piece of writing, our biographies. We are writing about someone we admire and there is a lot of variety over the sort of people we are writing about. We have been learning how to play Little Brown Jug by Glen Miller on the Glockenspiels in Music. In Maths we have finished rounding and are starting prime and squared numbers. In Science we have been learning about electricity and all the amazing inventions that helped create it. We made our own electrical circuits using batteries, light bulbs and wires to make the bulbs light up. We have started our whole school art on Folklore and Fairytales. We have been focusing on Giants. We have to also draw other things to show how big the Giants are.


In 6R/J, we have been designing clay sculptures for our whole school art. We have been inspired by Shaun Tan's gruesome twist clay sculptures and have been doing our own sculptures fitting with the whole school theme of fairytales. As you can see from the photos, everyone has been working very hard on their clay sculptures and making sure it's perfect! I'm sure if you take a look at the photos they are all wonderful!

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