Friday 26th April
Two new teachers!
Archie and Lincoln from Y6JP have done a brilliant thing. They have volunteered, in their own time, to set up and run a Forest Schools club for some of the younger children in the school. Two weeks in and things are going well......
We are Archie and Lincoln and we started forest schools club because we thought that we might let the younger pupils experience the forest as we do forest schools regularly in y6 and we really enjoy it. .
So far we have made pictures out of things you can find on the forest floor such as the art above , played tiggy two base and hide and seek. Every week we have a break with hot chocolate and biscuits.
We are so glad to have such an amazing group of fabulous foresteers. We are really looking forward to spending the next few Wednesdays with them, teaching them about the forest.
In Y6CW this week, we have been very busy getting our planets ready for the whole school art display next Friday. We have been working on our planets for a long time and we are almost finished. Here is one finished model.
We have also been lucky enough to have an pre SATS yoga session with Mrs Hardy who used to teach at this school. She is now a yoga instructor and came in for the afternoon to show us some breathing and relaxation techniques to keep us calm. She also played some really fun games with us.
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