Friday 28th February

Amazing Amazon homework


In 4CW this week we have been very busy showing all of our great Amazon Rain forest homework that we have done over the holidays.  Most of us have had a turn at presenting our work to the rest of the class.  We have had a real range of work including posters, power point presentations, 3D models and Lego models and information booklets.  We are going to put the homework on display so there will be a photo to follow next week.  For now, here are a few pictures of some of us doing our presentations.


What amazing Amazon Rainforest homework, 4RD have produced this week! Look at our class display!

We have been working on area in Maths. Counting the squares, but also using multiplication to calculate areas of rectilinear shapes.


We were super pleased with our research homework too. What a fantastic range of ideas!


We have also been busy collecting our research homework. We have a really big pile at the back of our classroom which we are looking forward to sharing next week. Watch this space......

We have really enjoyed finding out about all the different animals that live in the rainforest this week. We used this brilliant website to help us with our work and we found out some fascinating facts we didn't already know.

Did you know that a sloth can rotate its head almost 90 degrees?

Search our website


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Our target is...
