Friday 29th November
Roman Studio Shoe Boxes
In 6 CW we have been busy making our shoe boxes to illustrate one of the scenes from our Roman stories. We all brought in shoe boxes and items from home that we thought we could use. Janine ( the illustrator) gave us some very good ideas and showed us how she had used this idea with her character 'Star'. We have some lovely boxes and books on display now in our classroom and we very much look forward to her coming back and taking some photos of our finished work.
Swimmer of the week 6CW
Well done to Janek for being swimmer of the week. He was chosen for battling it through swimming his lengths without wearing his goggles.
Y4JP learn about Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar is one of the most famous Romans we know. Everyone had heard of him! We realised that we didn't actually know that much about him, other than he invaded England. We did some research using our library books and found out about two invasions. We also found out other facts like that he was born into a wealthy family.We found out he was very vain and he didn't like being bald so he wore a wig. Ellie and Dolores were surprised to find out he had a pet giraffe, which was fed to a lion!
We worked in pairs to make information posters all about Caesar. We focused on using information that made sense and we worked hard on our presentation. They are now proudly on display in our classroom.
Congratulations to our swimmer of the week too. Ellie did everything that was asked of her and her swimming teacher was very impressed with her stroke technique. Well done Ellie!
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