Friday 2nd October,

In Maths this week, we have developed our confidence with calculating using formal written methods for addition and subtraction. We can demonstrate our methods really well.

During book study, 6SW are enjoying reading about Olive and Cliff's experiences, as these evacuees travel by train to the countryside in our fantastic and compelling book, 'Letters from the Lighthouse'.

Letters from the Lighthouse / Young Quills Awards 2018 – Winners and  Reviews / Historical Association

This week in 6HN, we have been doing lots of interesting lessons and fun activities in science and P.E.


On Monday and Tuesday, we started writing our biographies. We chose a person that we were interested in and wrote all about their life. After finishing we had to edit our work to meet the year 6 standards as it is our first piece of assessed work. We also helped by marking each other’s work to look for any mistakes.


In y6 we have been doing maths every day and this week we focused on column addition and subtraction. We have been working out different questions by using this method in class. We even got up to adding and subtracting 6 digit numbers! Also this week we have been doing lots of fluent in five which is daily math questions.


At first, in science we started to look at different sources of electricity by making circuits. We watched a short video about burglar Bill. We helped the neighbourhood watch by experimenting, adding more bulbs or cells to see if it was brighter. We found this science lesson very fun!


This week P.E has been really fun. We have done both indoor and outdoor lessons. First on Monday we did bench ball. We were all split up into Weston, Meersbrook, Endcliffe and Norfolk (these are our house teams). Bench ball is a game where teams go against each other and try to get all the team members on the bench. Then in outdoor P.E we did volleyball. We were learning new skills like throwing the ball and jumping to catch it.


This week we had bikability and a lot of people were out so everybody else who didn't go finished off our I am poems, painted whole school art clay models and did some extra history.

For history we made booklets and posters about aspects of our WWII topic that interest us. We have also started a new coding project on Scratch creating our own game about being e-safe.

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