Friday 30th November

Team Lydgate

Wow! What a team! Well done to all of our athletics team who came first place in the Indoor Athletics Competition on Thursday at the EIS. This means that the team go through to the next round of the competition, which will be the city finals on Wednesday 16th January at Concord Leisure Centre. The children have worked incredibly hard for this and have shown real determination, commitment and support for each other. We will continue to train hard on Tuesday mornings.

Last week's stars of the week

This week's stars of the week

A huge well done to you all!
Historical sources.
In Y6NL this week we did a lesson all about historical sources. This followed on from the lesson we did last half term with on of the history teachers from Tapton. A historical source means something that gives us information about the past. This could be: a photo, a poster, a document, a leaflet or similar. These were the historical sources we were given.
We worked in groups and looked at one source each. We had to prepare a presentation to the class to persuade them to buy our source on History Ebay. We had to think about how useful the sources were and what they told us about the time of WW2.
Some of the sources seemed as if they wouldn't be useful because the Government had faked them but this showed us that they wanted people to think in a certain way. When we had done our presentations we had a class vote to say which source was the most popular. It was the one that gave instructions for American servicemen because it showed us what the British government thought they would be like. We thought it was a bit mean.
Y6JP are in the middle of practising their assembly ready for Thursday afternoon. We are going to show all the work we have been doing on Macbeth - witches spells, a soundscape of the heath, diary entries and even a proper battle scene! Here we are doing some preparation.
We are really looking forward to sharing our assembly with our parents. Don't forget, it's on Thursday 6th December at 2.30pm. Hot drinks and mince pies will be served in the practical area from 2.15pm. Hope to see you there!

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