Friday 4th December

What a creative, scientific, outdoorsy week we have had! Take a look and find out what we've been up to.


In 4CW we have had fun making our mosaic tiles based on our ideas from studying the work of two artists: Gaudi and  Peter Logan.  We have been looking at their mosaic work and this gave us inspiration to create our own designs.  They still need a layer of PVA to make them shiny, but you can see that they are well on their way to being finished.  It was lovely to have the clay out although we are not so sure that the cleaning team will agree!

We have work and news to share from both last week and this week.  Last week we had great fun in the hall with Sam, who came in to teach us some karate. We particularly enjoyed using these huge spongey sticks on each other. We practiced what Sam had taught us about strong, defensive moves with our arms. Mrs. Drury even got to have a go with the stick on some of the boys!  

We have been learning about pilgrimages in our religion lessons this half term and here we are acting out the journey that Mary and Joseph made to Bethlehem.

This week we have been just as busy! We have been doing some fabulous work on states of matter again in science. This time we completed an ice-cube challenge. Which material would keep the ice-cube solid for the longest amount of time. After lots of planning for our fair tests, each team carried out their experiments on Thursday. We were amazed when we found out that the cling film had a solid ice-cube in till way after we all went home from school (5pm!). We decided that one factor which helped to make it such a great insulator was the many, many layers that this group used to create their cling-film container.

Finally we also visited our school woods this week and shared a very lovely hot chocolate moment! But only after our mock, slow motion Boudicca battle!  It had to be seen to be believed. We may share this very entertaining video with the parents of 4JD one day!

We have been working hard in science too. It was our turn this week to look at reversible changes by melting chocolate. We wanted to find out which type of chocolate melted the quickest and why that might be. We tested dark, milk and white chocolate. First of all we chose three children to suck the chocolate. They pulled some funny faces! 
We knew this wasn't really a fair test so we set it all up properly with stop watches and thermometers. We had to be extra careful as we were using very hot water. We found out that dark chocolate melted the quickest. We think this is because it is more natural and the other chocolates have added ingredients like butter, sugar and milk and they all have different melting points so it slows them down.

We listened to Mr Jones' assembly about advent and lots of us are enjoying opening advent calendars at home. We have two advent calendars in our classroom which we are taking turns to open. One is a tree with woodland creatures and the other is a pantomime stage.

We also got ready for Christmas by decorating our classroom on Friday afternoon. we have so much tinsel and so many lights! It's looking very festive, don't you think?
We are looking forward to starting our Christmas jigsaw. It's got 200 pieces - let's hope we get it finished before we break up.

It felt very festive while we were doing all of this because it started to snow. We had a good day but Mrs Purdom said that the snow, melting chocolate and putting up Christmas made us all go a bit bonkers!

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