Friday 7th December
Y6JP do their Class Assembly
Yesterday, Y6JP treated their parents to their class assembly. The theme was Macbeth and they showed off all the work they have been doing over the last few weeks. They showed off paintings, witches spells, Shakespearean insults, Lady Macbeth diary entries and a battle scene which was filmed in our woods. They even performed an alternative ending dance off!
It was a real team effort - we all worked together to put on the assembly. We had a refreshments team, programme creators, a technical crew and general stage management. We all helped each other to learn our lines and perfect our dance moves too. We were a great team.
We hope we showed our parents just how much we have learned, how well we know the story of Macbeth and, most of all, how much fun we have had! We raised £30 from donations which we are going to spend on items for our next food bank collection. We think it would be nice to buy some chocolate treats for Christmas.
We loved doing our class assembly and we did ourselves, our parents and Mrs Purdom proud. We are all superstars!
In y6 Science, we re-visit the fascinating topic of light. In our most recent lesson we did an experiment about how light is reflected from bubbles. We taped a petridish to the top of a torch and then put a little bit of bubble mixture into the dish and then gently blew a bubble to cover cover the whole dish. We then turned out the lights and turned our torch on. The results were pretty amazing. We saw alsorts of colours. The light was passing through and being reflected off the inner and outer layer of the bubble at the same time. Here are a couple of photos to show what happened.
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