Friday 8th of November
Y6NL have been thinking carefully this week about who to vote for in our School Council elections. We have 8 candidates and they all did a presentation about what would make them the right person for the job. Mrs Loosley said she was glad she didn't have to choose because they were all so good.
On Friday afternoon, we went to the hall to post our votes into the ballot box. The votes will be counted and we will find out the results on Monday. Good luck everyone.
We have been learning about World War 1 this week and reading some poems written at that time. As it is Remembrance Day next week, we wrote poems showing our feelings about war. Here are just a few to read.
This week we had our school council elections. Anyone who wanted to get the role as their class's representative had to campaign. They made a poster an wrote a speech with reasons why they would be good for the job and how they would help improve the school.
In English, we learnt about WWI poems and even wrote our own! These were about what the battlefields were like and what sounds could be heard. We got this information from studying poems from WWI that were written by soldiers.
In ICT, we have started our scratch topic. We are creating our own internet safety games which are aimed to teach people how to be safe on the internet. In our lesson this week we have chosen a back drop and a main character to be in our games.
We have voted for our 6SW Class Councillor and we were delighted at how respectful everyone was.
On the last afternoon before the half-term holiday, we enjoyed making shelters during our forest school's lesson. We worked well together in groups and all of the shelters were different and successful in different ways.
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