Happy long weekend everyone!
Hello again and happy VE day. We hope you are all enjoying the lovely sunshine and spending time with your families.
Here is a taste of what we've been up to over the last few days, in school and at home. It looks like we've had some fun.
The children in school have enjoyed doing some measuring and fractions activities, investigating pentominoes, practising using speech punctuation, learning about VE day and playing wartime street games.
On Wednesday, we had fun learning some hip hop dancing. Here we are busting some moves in the hall.
We made paper aeroplanes too. We had to follow the instructions really carefully. Mrs Dutton was a big help because she is an origami expert!
In the afternoon, we worked with the Y5s and 6s to create a masterpiece. We all had a little piece of a painting to copy and then we put it all together to make a big final painting.
It's The Tree of Life by Gustav Klimt. Mrs Purdom has put it up next to our 'Staying Together' display. We think it looks great.
Yesterday, the Y5 and 6 children baked eggless sponges (a wartime recipe) and set up a street party. They invited the year 3 and 4 children to join them on the playground. Here they are at their socially distanced party!
It's so nice to see what you are making of our home learning activities and all of the extra things you are doing to keep yourselves occupied too. There are some really good ideas here. Why not try some out?
Lots of you have been enjoying science this week. Arthur and Allen sent in these photos of their iceberg experiments.
This super scientist did a few of the iceberg challenges.
She also wins the prize for creating the prettiest icebergs - made in eggshells!
We know this lad loves his science. He's been busy with teaching his dad times tables but also tested out the cup of water challenge.
As did this lucky lady. Phew - it worked!
Allen did this lovely writing based on the film 'So good to me' from Literacy Shed.
Amaan has been very busy doing his home learning with his dad. He says it would be embarrassing if he was a teacher but he's enjoying it! He has been learning to do step-by-step drawings from tutorials he has found on youtube.
Isla has cleverly used the steps of her patio to make a bird hide. Ingenious.
This clever girl has been super creative. She loves 'The Great British Sewing Bee' and was inspired to upcycle her dad's shirt to make something for herself. That cake looks delicious too!
Here's someone else who's been busy in the kitchen, making this amazing treacle toffee.He's also made his own wormery and learnt some new life skills, helping his dad to move the garden fence.
Someone else has been busy helping with DIY! This young lady has also been painting, gardening, cycling and making volcanoes with her brother.
George has been enjoying our Arctic project and has sent us this lovely Inuit print.
These Inukshuks are impressive too. One of them was made while out walking the dog - it was still there the day after. Do you think it will still be there next week?
Alex has made his milk carton penguin this week. He's called him Dabbo because he's dabbing while swimming in the sea!
Here's someone who really got into the spirit of things for VE day. Not only has she been learning about everyday life during WW2, she has also been busy painting flags, making bunting and baking ready for a street party. Here's another delicious looking cake!
And finally, thank you to these children who sent in messages for their schoolmates. We miss you too and will see you soon.
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