Happy May!

Hello again everyone. Can you believe it's May already? I'm not sure the weather has noticed though. Hopefully the sunshine will come back again soon to cheer us all up. 

We have all had another busy week, at school and at home. It has been amazing to see the photos of what you have been doing. Please keep sending them to the Year 5 email address for us to share. 

Mrs Loosley was at school on Tuesday this week and was working with twelve Y5 and Y6 children. We had a very busy morning: Go Noodle and Just Dance with Y3 and Y4 to start the day; MyMaths and TT Rock Stars to get our brains working; preparing and performing 1 minute fairy tales; and a rather chilly and damp playtime. In the afternoon we started grid self portraits. We had photos of ourselves with a grid of squares on top. We then had to copy each square onto a blank grid. It is a really good way of copying a picture - you could try this at home with any picture you like! We took these home to finish off and you may see some of the finished ones on next week's blog. At the end of the day, we wrote our own messages on different coloured ribbons, which we added to the rainbow fence. 

There has been a lot of learning going on at home this week too. 

Immi was inspired by the 'Junk' poem to write this news report. I think you will agree, it looks very professional indeed. 

Sophie was inspired, by the same poem, to write this recipe. I don't think we will be trying it!

She has also been very creative this week as these photos show. 

Anna Maria has been practising using apostrophes - here is just part of the work she sent in to share. Her work is in purple. 

Charlie has been working hard. He has also been doing lots of cycling - 112km in 5 weeks!

This girl has been working hard on her home learning tasks: she has also has time to fit in lots of fun activities!

Ellie has been practising her drawing skills and created this amazing portrait. I think she will enjoy the creative home learning ideas this week. 

Ellie (not the same one!) has been at school and has also managed to do lots of home learning - well done!

Eve has been learning about pollination and has combined science and art in this beautiful diagram. 

As well as all his home learning, this boy has been working hard in the garden and has made a tree house den. He also found a nest with baby robins in. He wrote and performed a fantastic story - using a 20 year old fountain pen - which he really enjoyed. 

This boy has also been working hard and learning in lots of different ways. 

Laila was inspired by our water topic to create this lovely collage of a water droplet. 

Max has enjoyed taking these detailed photos of water, learning about the parts of plants, doing maths work and creating his 'abstract alphabet'. 

This boy has done a wide range of activities as you can see. His cooking looks delicious!

Remina sent in these photos of her home learning - she has been doing a lot of work. 

This boy has taken these beautiful water photos; they must have taken a lots of patience and skill to achieve. He has done a lot of other work too, as you can see. 

This girl has made her own 'abstract alphabet'. It must have taken ages to find all these things. 

Look at all the work this girl has done this week. Well done!

Divyam wrote this news article, inspired by the story of George's Marvellous Medicine. 

Some of the children from Y5NL met up on Zoom this week to do a quiz. That sounds like good fun! Maybe they could do a quiz for us when we are all back together. 

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