Home Learning Tasks WB 11-5-20
Y6 Home Learning – Summer Term, Week 5 (WB 11/5/20)
Teacher test
| As it should have been SATs week this week, we thought that instead of you being tested on what you have learnt, you could test your teachers instead! If you wish to, come up with a challenge for your teachers and we will have a go at completing some of them over the coming weeks. So pick a subject, send it to year6@lydgate-jun.sheffield.sch.uk and test your teacher! |
Reading Activity | (See worksheet ) Florence Nightingale reading comprehension. |
Writing Activity | (See plan) Create a vegetarian recipe and write it up. |
SPaG Activity | (See worksheet) Write a diary entry and then highlight the determiners in your writing. |
MATHS | ||
Theme Park Maths | Calculate your profit for the first year. |
Fractions | (See video and worksheets) Subtracting fractions. |
Tessellation | (See sheet) Creating a pattern of repeating shapes. |
RRS | ||
UNICEF’s Rights of a Child | (See worksheet) Article of the week – complete the activities relating to this week’s article. |
PE | ||
Yoga and mindfulness | (See Power Point) Select one or more activities from the pic ‘n’ mix, yoga, challenges and mindfulness. |
TOPIC/SCIENCE – Healthy Bodies | ||
The double circulations system | (See Power Points and worksheet) 1. Recap what we have learned. Look at Power Point 1 and complete Task 1. 2. Task 2: find out about William Harvey. 3. Task 3: Look at Power Point 2 and complete the activity. |
ART | ||
Figures in art | (See worksheet) Create a piece of artwork based on what you have learned about moving figures in art. |
ICT | ||
Scratch | (See worksheet and video) This week your challenge is to add a game over element to your maze game. |
MUSIC | ||
Lydgate Piano Cover Project | (See worksheet) This is a special project where you have the opportunity to create a fabric square for our piano cover, if you would like to. See the worksheet for details. |
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