Home Learning Tasks WB 27/4/20

Dear Y6,

We hope that you are all well and enjoying your home learning. We have loved seeing what you have been up to. Keep up the great work.

Attached to your email, you will find this week's home learning suggestions. Remember that they are just suggestions and you should plan your home learning in a way that works for you and your family.

In addition this week, we have sent you a selection of ideas to decorate our school fence. In school, we have been working on creating rainbow themed art work to brighten up the school fence and add decoration to our rainbow. If you would like to make a decoration for the fence, then use one of the ideas or come up with your own. Just remember that is needs to be able to survive outside! You can then attach your decoration to the fence (either on Manchester Road or Shore Lane) whilst out for your daily exercise.

Please let us know if you need any help with anything.

Stay safe, enjoy the sunshine and we hope to see you soon,

The Y6 Team

Here is a list of the activities, with a space to tick off the ones you have completed:


Reading Activity

(See worksheet)

Shakespeare reading comprehension

Writing Activity

(See Power Point and activity sheets)

Go through the Power Point.

Then select one of the writing tasks to complete.

SPaG Activity

(See worksheet)

1. Complete the apostrophes sheet.

2. Collect examples of apostrophes from your reading book and sort into apostrophes for possession or omission.


Theme Park Maths

(See worksheet)

Calculating your entry fee and income.

Long multiplication

(See video and worksheets)

Long multiplication revision.

Board Game

(See worksheet)

Create your own maths board game.


If I ran the world…

(See worksheet)

What are you grateful for, what would you make better and what would you fix about our world?


Heart rate

(See Power Point and support sheets)

1. Follow the PE Power Point

2. Complete the circuit station challenge.

3. Carry out the heart rate investigation.

TOPIC/SCIENCE – Healthy Bodies

The circulatory system: The lungs

(See worksheets)

1. Learn about the function of the lungs in the circulatory system.

2. Carry out a lung capacity experiment.

3. Make a model of the lungs (using the worksheet)


Moving figures: sketching.

(See Power Point)

1. Follow the Power Point to learn about sketching.

2. Create a pencil drawing of a moving figure.

Rainbow Fence Decoration


(See ideas sheet)

Have a look at the ideas for creating a rainbow decoration for our school fence.



(See sheet and video)

This week your challenge is to add code so that the person playing your game can control your sprite and make it move around the maze.

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