Home learning tasks WB 4-5-20

Dear Year 6,

We hope that you are all well and keeping yourselves busy. Please see below a summary of your home learning suggestions for this week. We have really enjoyed seeing and hearing about what you have been up to. Keep up the great work.

Remember to get in touch if you are struggling with anything - just email us at year6@lydgate-jun.sheffield.sch.uk .

Stay safe and we hope to see you all soon.

The Y6 Team

Y6 Home Learning – Summer Term, Week 4 (WB 4/5/20)


Reading Activity

VE Day reading comprehension.

Writing Activity

Imagine you are a child experiencing VE day in 1945 and write a diary entry of your day.

SPaG Activity

Prepositions: Using the 100 important prepositions list how many can you find in your reading book, magazines, newspapers and signs that you see throughout the week?

Write a sentence including a preposition for some you haven’t found.


Theme Park Maths

(See worksheet)

Calculate the profit and loss for your theme park.


(See worksheets and video)

Multiplying mixed number fractions by whole numbers – select five questions to complete.

Maths on the Move

(See Power Point and trail sheet for challenge 10)

Select five challenges to have a go at from the ‘Maths on the Move’ home challenge sheet.


Climate Change

(See worksheet and PDF)

Find out about Earth Day.

Have a discussion with someone else about climate change and how things were ‘then’ compared to ‘now’.

Decide on a positive action you can take.


Healthy body and mind

(See Power point and worksheets)

  1. Fitness challenges
  2. Yoga poses
  3. Circuit challenge
  4. Mindfulness cards

Healthy Living board game

TOPIC/SCIENCE – Healthy Bodies

The Circulatory system- the blood

(See worksheet and Power Point)

  1. Read about the blood and what it is made up of, then complete the pie chart and answer the questions.

Design (and make if you have the ingredients) a model of your blood.


How artists create movement in their work

(See worksheet)

  1. Research and look at examples of artwork that has moving figures in. Present your findings, if you wish, in any way you choose.

Watch the tutorial about how to create movement in artwork.



(See sheet and video)

Add a points system to your game.

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