Home Learning WB 18-5-20

Dear Year 6,

We hope that you are all well and keeping busy. We've been impressed with all the work that we have seen and heard about. Please find attached your home learning suggestions for this week - remember to use them in a way that works for you and your family. It is a good idea for you to take responsibility for your learning, as this will help you prepare for secondary school. You can use the tick sheet to organise your timetable and keep track of what you have completed. You can also use this time you have at home to focus on an area or topic that you have a particular interest in.

Again this week there are a few extras. Firstly, we just wanted to remind you about the whole school music project, which involves some sewing to decorate our piano cover. Take a photo of your design and email it to us. Keep the original safe at home for now. Also, Modeshift Stars (who come into school to work with us on sustainable travel) are inviting children and young people from across South Yorkshire to create a story, poem, poster, photo or comic strip about the positive changes in our lives (eg, staying healthy and active together, reduction in air pollution, roads have less cars etc) during this time and how we can inspire our families to continue these activities as part of our daily lives when schools and workplaces re-open. The best/most interesting/most quirky entries will be published in a book to inspire others to Stay Safe and Get Active now, and in the future. They are therefore inviting children to inspire others to Stay Safe and Get Active now, and in the future by doing one of 5 things:
  • Writing a poem
  • Writing a creative story,
  • Creating a poster or
  • Comic strip
  • Take a photo

Follow the instructions on the flyer to submit your entries. Follow the address below for more information:
Remember to get in touch if you are struggling with anything - just email us via year6@lydgate-jun.sheffield.sch.uk

Stay safe and we hope to see you all soon.

The Y6 Team

Y6 Home Learning – Summer Term, Week 6 (WB 18/5/20)


Reading Activity

(See worksheet)

FA cup reading comprehension.

Writing Activity

(See worksheet)

Work through ‘Doors – the world of possibility’ sheet and work through the writing activities.

SPaG Activity

(See planning sheet)

Types of clauses. Read a chapter of your book. Can you find 4 examples of a main clause, a subordinate clause and a relative clause?


Theme Park Maths

(See worksheet)

You can use your money to add extra rides and attractions to your theme park.


(See Worksheet)

Calculating the missing angles.


(See video and worksheet)

Ordering fractions from smallest to largest.


Online safety at home.

(See worksheet)

Watch the video and answer the questions.

Design a poster for the band or how to stay safe online.


Yoga and mindfulness

(See Power Point)

Select one or more activities from the pic ‘n’ mix, yoga, challenges and mindfulness meditation.

TOPIC/SCIENCE – Healthy Bodies

How to keep healthy

(See worksheet)

1. Research guidance on how to keep ourselves heathy.

2. Create a leaflet or poster with guidance for others on how to lead a healthy lifestyle.


Moving figures in art

(See worksheet)

1. Complete your moving figures artwork and add embellishments.

2. Choose how you would like you to ‘exhibit’ your work.



(See sheet and video)

Add a time limit to your game.



(See flyer)

You’re invited to put together a story, poem, poster, photo or comic strip about the positive changes in your life over the last few weeks and how you can inspire families to continue these activities as part of their daily lives when schools and workplaces re-open. The winning entries will be published as part of a book.

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