Home Learning Week beginning 20/4/20

Hello to all of our Year 6 children. We hope that you have had a good week and have been looking after yourselves and your families. We are sure that the sunshine and Easter chocolate has helped! Remember to keep active (see Mr Bradshaw's ideas for keeping fit this week in your email), keep reading and keep looking out for others (Mrs Watkinson has made some good suggestions for this in the RRS task this week). Thank you to those of you who have shared your learning with us. Please send anything that you would like to share to year6@lydgate-jun.sheffield.sch.uk (please use this email address to contact the Y6 team too).

You will have received an email with the home learning activities for week 2. Remember to only complete what you are able to: the activities are there for those of you who want them. Attached to the email are all of the resources that you will need. Please let us know if you are having any difficulties accessing them. Please see the list for this week below:

Y6 Home Learning – Summer Term, Week 2 (WB 20/4/20)

Here is a list of the activities, with a space to tick off the ones you have completed:


Reading Activity

(See sheet and select difficulty level)

St George’s Day reading comprehension.

Writing Activity

(See Power Point)

Write a letter to the Queen to celebrate her birthday.

SPaG Activity

Active and passive voice: write sentences in each of the different voices.


Theme Park Maths

(See sheet)

Calculate how much it costs to run your theme park each day.

Long division

(See video and sheet)

Watch the video to remind you of the method and then select questions to complete.

Fibonacci spirals

(See sheet)

Draw your own Fibonacci spiral and decorate it.


Acts of kindness

(See sheet)

Think about acts of kindness that you have been on the receiving end of and have given. Try to complete some acts of kindness over the next week.


Pic ‘n’ Mix

(See Power Point)

Each day, pick an activity from a different box.

How much sugar?

(See Power Point)

Follow the Power Point to investigate the amount of sugar in foods. Then look at Lola’s sugar intake and answer the questions.

TOPIC/SCIENCE – Healthy Bodies

The function of the heart in the circulatory system

(See information sheet, with links, Power Point and task sheet)

1. Learn about the function of the heart in circulation.

2. Label a diagram of the heart (or draw it if you are feeling artistic).

Complete the gaps in the paragraph about the heart, using the words from the word bank.


Photography of moving figures

(See sheet)

Look at examples of movement of figures captured in photography.

Have a go at capturing someone moving in your own photo and edit it.



(See sheet and video)

Design a maze, using Scratch.

We have also sent out some of our singing assembly songs for you to sing along to. Please use the links we have sent and you could even teach the songs to your family.

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