Homework - Maths Eyes
In Year 3, we have been working on geometry in maths lessons. We have looked at the names and properties of 3D shapes, and we have worked on right angles and comparing whether angles are bigger or smaller than a right angle. The children already know the names of 2D shapes and how to look for line symmetry. After the holiday, we will do some more work on properties of 2D shapes, including introducing parallel and perpendicular lines.
For homework, we would like you to try looking around you with 'maths eyes'. Maths is a way of explaining and exploring the world around us. If you look carefully, you can see shapes, numbers and patterns everywhere!
We would like you to look at shapes and lines around you and take a photograph of some interesting maths that you spot. You can then annotate your picture(s) to explain what you have seen and why you chose that picture.
Please bring your pictures into school by Friday 7th June.
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