Italian food tasting information letter
Monday 11th February
Dear Parents and Carers,
Italian Food Tasting Session – Tuesday 12th February
As part of our Italy topic, we will be discussing Italian food and will be providing the children with a selection of traditional Italian foods to sample. This food will not replace your child’s normal school dinner/ packed lunch.
Although we are aware of pupils’ individual allergies and intolerances, it would be really helpful if you could note it again on the slip below in case of any new food allergies or the information held in school has changed.
Many thanks,
The Y4 Team
Name of child: ____________________________________
Allergy and/or intolerance ________________________________________________
Below is a list of foods that the children will have the opportunity to sample. Please tick any foods your child cannot eat due to any allergy or intolerance.
Margarita Pizza
Pesto Pasta
Focaccia with an oil and balsamic vinegar dip
Sundried Tomatoes
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