Y3 Learning News

It has been lovely to hear from so many of you this week so thank you for emailing us with pictures, videos, writing and messages to tell us what you have been doing. We are checking the emails every day and are enjoying keeping in touch with you, so please keep them coming.

Lots of you have enjoyed reading and listening to the poems and have written some wonderful, imaginative poems yourselves. We have kept the Magic Pox poetry separate and are busy putting together the lines you have sent us into a year group poem. Look out for the finished poem... coming very soon!

This poet has used some great onomatopoeia in her garden emotions poem:

Jacob wrote his emotions poem about Portugal.

Freya's emotions poem is about the playground.

Aleena chose a forest for her poem.

Sammy chose his favourite football team to write his poem about.

Hope wrote her poem about a storm.

Heidi wrote a scary poem.

The children in school on Tuesday wrote poems about camping.

Children have also been busy weighing things and practising reading scales.

These busy bakers made some delicious looking cakes.

This family had an Italian themed day where they researched facts about Italy and made their own pizza.

Someone else also made pizza whilst practising measuring ingredients.

Sarah shared a photo of the soil experiment that she did. She has looked closely and clearly labelled the different layers that she observed.

Hope did the soil experiment too.

Some children told us about how they were practising their spellings.

Phoebe made a PowerPoint presentation about this week's words.

Arin looked up the words from the poetry lesson in the Dictionary and wrote about them.

This girl impressed us by challenging herself to learn all of the times tables.

Coralie's mum wanted to have a go at TT Rock Stars, so Coralie planned and wrote her own version of the game for her to have a go at. She used Scratch to do some very impressive coding.

We have heard about lots of great gardening going on whilst we are having good weather.

Iona was interested in her older brother's homework so she had a go at it too. She made this lovely poster about the life cycle of a plant.

Jacob has been doing some research about animals.

Charlie made this beautiful picture of an owl using one continuous line.

This girl has been practising telling the time in some fun and creative ways.

This busy girl has found lots of creative ways to keep active. Amongst other things, she drew chalk pictures of her shadow on the wall, made an array out of pegs, made games and even appeared on Look North along with her neighbours clapping for the NHS.

Here is someone else who has been keeping busy.

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