Lots of lovely learning.

Where has the sunshine gone? It has been a very wet and windy week but this has not stopped us from having fun and doing lots of learning. 

At school this week, there were two 'bubbles' of children, one in the EC area and the other in the R/J area. As you can see, they have been working hard on their 'wishing stories'. Here are some extracts from Joel, Annabel and Mannat's stories. 

Raul, Ronit, James, Jacob and Meghan also wrote some interesting 'wishing' stories. 

There has been some brilliant writing going on at home too. 

Oscar has used adjectives really effectively in his exciting story opening. 

Ranveer worked hard on the Lego writing task and has also been doing lots of maths. 

Abigail also sent us her excellent Lego writing, plus lots more great work.  

Ella has been working hard with her brother this week, and has created this beautiful poster about rivers.

Here is another brilliant rivers poster made by Lauren. 

Remina has been very busy with her home learning too. Her insect art is amazingly detailed and must have taken ages to draw. 

This boy and his brother have been joining in with the Joe Wicks workouts to stay active. He has also sent us this interesting newspaper report. 

Bea has been working very hard at home, as you can see. She also sent us this adorable photo of her cute dog and cheeky hamster. 

This boy and his brother have also been very busy: growing cucumbers, peppers and carrots; doing a rivers experiment; having a race to find their own abstract alphabet; and baking yummy red velvet and white chocolate cookies. 

This girl has done lots of home learning too - computing, maths, science and topic - including two fantastic posters. Well done! 

Well done everyone! Your teachers have really enjoyed their phone calls with you and we are so proud of ALL of you! Keep up the good work and, if you can, don't forget to send us a photo of what you get up to next week!

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