More great learning and some yummy baking

It has been another busy week, with lots of learning going on, at home and at school. 

In our English work this week, we have all been looking at some poetry by Jo Coelho and writing poems about our own special places. These children have chosen different places - their garden, their grandma's home in Lancashire and their own homes - to inspire their own poetry. 

Amelia was inspired to write her poem about a place which is special to her - Chatsworth. She also worked hard on the other English tasks for the week and had some interesting ideas for school uniform designs, as well as completing her maths work. 

Ellie also had some great school uniform designs to share, as well as her beautifully presented rivers poster and her maths work. 

Lucy shared this picture of her 'water carrying' art work. Her use of colour in the sunset is really effective. 

Remina has was inspired, by the 'wishing' English unit, to write this story about a greedy boy who wished for ninety bars of chocolate! She also created a great chicken poster and learned about the features of a good website.  

Khalid made up his own story, using ideas from some games he had been playing. 

Divyam took inspiration from this spooky picture to write a suspense story with some very effective and creepy descriptions.

And now for the yummy baking!

Ranveer made these delicious-looking marbled chocolate cookies. 

This boy and his brother had a baking marathon. I hope their family will enjoy eating all these delicious bakes!

Well done again everyone! It is lovely to see all the hard work and fun that is going on. 

Next week is the Lydgate Virtual School Games. Your parents will have had an email about this and you can send in your results next week. We are looking forward to sharing lots of sporty photos on next week's blog. 

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