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Here are some of the things the children of Y3 have been doing this week.

We are very impressed with all the work towards the non-chronological reports. Lots of children have been busy researching their chosen topics and we have seen some great spider diagrams where they have organised their notes ready to write in paragraphs. When they have written their non-chronological report next week, we would love you to send us a photo/scan or a document showing us their finished information page. We would like to combine these to make them into an information book (complete with contents page) to share with everyone in Y3. We haven't included any pictures this week as we would like to keep the chosen topics a secret until the 'book' is ready.

Some children have enjoyed finding out about St. George and listening to the legend of George and the Dragon.

Here is what Sophie found out:

Jacob has painted a lovely picture of a dragon.

This is Isla's beautiful, colourful dragon.

Lyla made up a background story for her dragon.

This artist made a beautiful model of a dragon.

The children who were at school today enjoyed making pictures and models of dragons too.

We have also seen some amazing maths work this week. Lots of you have told us that you enjoyed the practical activities for measuring capacity and we are very impressed with all the different, creative ways you have chosen to do your measurement.

This girl has done a great job estimating and measuring the capacity of different containers.

Here is someone else who has been busy measuring.

This girl found a creative way to practise measuring capacity by making up her own potion including a mixture of ingredients from round the house.

This girl also made her own potion to make people cry rainbows.

Iona sorted out containers in her kitchen by measuring and comparing the capacity. She also made labels to go on the potion bottles.

Arin spent his time figuring out the extra challenge that we sent home (see It was very challenging!

This mathematician has been working hard on the maths activities set by school and on the Maths Factor website. She earned a certificate for completing a challenge in the fastest time.

This girl enjoyed working out some subtraction calculations with 4-digit numbers. Good job!

As well as doing her home learning activities, this girl has been making slime.

Holly has been designing badges for the Brownies home sleepover challenge.

Heidi has been doing some cartoon art.

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