More lovely learning

Hello everyone! We hope that you have all had a happy and healthy week. 

Usually, at this time of year you would be meeting your new teachers and visiting your new classrooms. Sadly, we can't do this at the moment but we have sent you a PowerPoint and video, all about Year 6, to give you an idea of what it will be like. We hope that these have reassured you and made you feel excited about coming back in September! We have also sent you letters from your new Y6 teachers; it would be lovely if you could write them a reply and send it to the Y5 email address. The first two days back at school in September will be transition days, so you will have plenty of time to get to know your new teacher and year group, ask any questions which you may have and just get used to being back at school!

As usual, there has been lots of great learning going on at home and at school this week. The EC bubble promised that they would show us their finished 'Water Carrying' paintings this week and here they are.

The R/J bubble have also finished their paintings; here are a few of them for you to enjoy.

Amelia has sent us these pictures of her paintings which she has done at home and at school. 

These are all stunning - well done to all the artists. 

This boy has worked hard this week on his song lyrics poem. He chose the subject of pollution and has done a fantastic job of sticking to the rhythm and the rhyming structure of the original song. It is a very powerful piece of writing - well done. 

Sophie has also written her own song lyrics, adapted from a song called 'The Streets of London'. The emotive and sensitive lyrics really make you think about how lucky we are - fantastic writing Sophie.

She also shared some of the work she had done using iMovie. Here are some screenshots of her interesting and very professional presentation about the Great Sheffield Flood. 

Oscar and Harry got together over Skype to create this very funny and well written story. Excellent work boys - you make a great writing team!

Ranveer has been working hard on his maths work this week and has also been doing some great research about David Attenborough. Keep up the good work Ranveer!

These boys have also been working hard on their maths home learning; they decided to get together to make it a team effort. Great idea boys!

Mrs Ridsdale has shared this brilliant photo of a heron, which she spotted in the Porter Brook, at Bingham Park, when she was on a walk. It was so still that it looked like a statue. Maybe you will see one if you are out walking near a river. Don't forget to send us a photo if you do!

Next week's blog will be the last one before the summer holidays, so remember to send in any photos that you would like to share.

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