Covid 19 - general advice and school's response
We are receiving, and following, daily updatesand briefings from local and national government departments. All schools arebeing urged to remain open, fully if possible, and so this is what we are aimingto continue to do.
We want to continue children’s education and,vitally, not interfere with the essential work that many of our parents carryout in society by closing the school.
There are non-essential elements of what wenormally do that are being deferred – meetings, sports events and performancesfor example – but we hope to remain open for all classes until and unlessdirected otherwise.
There are things we can all do that will helpby putting Public Health England advice into practice:
· children and staff should stay athome if they are unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature toavoid spreading infection to others. Otherwise they should attend education orwork as normal
· if staff or children become unwell onsite with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature they will be sent home
· we will clean and disinfect regularlytouched objects and surfaces more often than usual
· we will direct children to wash theirhands more often than usual with soap and water, and to catch coughs andsneezes in tissues
Other schools are in different positions to ours –they will experience different pressures and pinch points, and so they may haveto make decisions that are different to ours.
Because the guidance we are receiving is changing almostdaily we may make decisions that appear to contradict others. Please be assuredthat each is carefully considered in the light of the latest advice andguidance.
We have received clarification today on schooltrips, for example, that states that these may go ahead within the UK, as longas we have risk assessed any possible staffing impact on the capability ofrunning the rest of school fully and safely. Without that clarification someactivity was cancelled but with it we are now able to continue.
Unless we have been directly advisedto close by the Public Health England Health Protection Team, we intend andplan to remain open. Please be assured thatwe are doing everything reasonably possible to continue as normal, to keepchildren and staff safe at school and to ensure a great experience at schoolfor every pupil.
School Governors are fullyinformed about our response to the Covid 19 situation, and they unanimouslyagreed with this approach at their meeting last week.
We have sent out texts and emails to parents overthe last few days about specific changes relevant to their children in school,and we will continue to do so.
We wish every member of our school community thevery best at this difficult and challenging time. We will try to keep youinformed about changes as they happen, with as much notice as possible.
S Jones
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