Our Performance and Ofsted
- Click here to see our latest published KS2 results
- Click here for the School Performance Tables on the DfE website
- Click here to view our Ofsted reports.
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Yearly Attendance Record 2022/2023
Our Attendance is: 96.4% Our Target is: 97.4%
Quotes About Us
Our Choir "sang unaccompanied - they were not at all phased by this and sang like angels. Their behaviour was impeccable. They were a credit to the school and to their music teachers."
- The Wednesday Lunch Club at St John's Parish Centre
"We very much enjoyed our time spent at school. We would like to say a big THANK YOU to all the Y6 pupils for their energy, enthusiasm and willingness to listen and learn"
- 'Bikeability' trainers
"Learning should be fun, but also that it is a professional, disciplined undertaking and also a desire to grow, even excel, in the broadest sense, as a person"
- External visitor referring to Headteacher's comments
"The children - unfailingly courteous, unfailingly engaged".
- School Visitor
"All the children were so polite, courteous, engaged, enthusiastic and kind to each other, which made my role so pleasurable – they are a credit to themselves, your team of staff and also the school."
- External Visitor
"Every time I set foot in the school it is clear how happy and settled the children are".
- Visiting Sports Coach
"It was lovely to see so many parents in school working with their children."
- Parent
What an outstanding performance of 'A boy in the girls' bathroom'. Your team again went above and beyond and are truly committed, but the drive of Mrs Jones and tanasity to do what she did is nothing but inspirational for the children.
- A very proud dad (whose son has some awesome teachers)
"I wanted to share my gratitude concerning your work on promoting online child safety.
I want to suggest you share an important guide which came out last week. I found it was very thorough on child safety online: https://www.vpnmentor.com/blog/the-ultimate-parent-guide-for-child-internet/
I liked the way they summarized each section with actionable items for the parent/teacher.
Once again, thanks for helping protect our kids"
- A very kind parent recently wrote
Thank you Mrs Smith, Mrs Jones & Mrs Ridsdale for all the extra music activities Lydgate Junior School offer. Our boys are so lucky to have been involved in choir, windband, orchestra and handbells and thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas and Summer Concerts.
- Parent
Thank you all for taking part in the Scarecrow Competition. I was truly blown away with how very talented you all clearly are! All the scarecrows were brilliantly thought out and executed. Well done Lydgate Junior School.
- Scarecrow Competition Judge
We just wanted to say a massive thank you to Mrs Wymer (and all the other staff who have helped) for all the amazing sports activities this year! Our children have loved cross country, the swimming gala, the Fun Run and being Playmakers as well as the numerous sports clubs they attend at Lydgate Junior School every week! We appreciate all the extra time and commitment this takes.
- Parent
I just wanted to pass on very positive feedback about my daughter's time a Lydgate Junior School. She is just coming to the end of year 4 and since day one has thoroughly enjoyed coming to school and has thrived. Thanks for all the hard work that you and your staff put in to making the school such a positive and supportive place. We really appreciate it!
- Parent
Your children were lovely and very polite which makes our job a lot easier!
- Edale Residential Event Organisers
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