Reduce plastics campaign
This half term in Y3 we have been learning about what it means to launch a campaign. As you may be aware, this year we have chosen as a school to campaign to try and reduce the use of single use plastics in our homes, school and the local area.
We have been discussing the issues related to plastic pollution in our RRS lessons, and the teachers have been really impressed with how passionate the children have been about this cause! They have been really keen to raise awareness of these issues, and have been discussing it and doing their own research both in and out of school. Josh and Edwin in Y3EC even made up a short drama performance at playtime about what happens to plastic bottles when they are thrown away!
This week we have been planning letters, which we are going to write to local shops, telling them about our campaign and suggesting ways which they might want to help. We had some great ideas, such as asking whether shops could use paper bags instead of plastic, or asking whether they could try and recycle as much plastic as they can. Apparently some of our local shops are already trying to reduce plastic use. For example, Betty said that Nest use paper straws for their drinks, and Olivia told us that in Bamforths Fruit and Veg shop they sell fresh orange juice, but you have to bring your own bottle. We suggested that we could say well done in our letters for what these shops are already doing!
We are looking forward to writing our letters and sending them out next week, and to taking part in the march to raise awareness on Thursday 23rd May!
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