SEND Local Offer
As part of Sheffield’s ‘Local Offer’ over the course of this year we will be working with our parents and carers to ensure our provision for children with SEND continues to improve and that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school. You can view the SEND Local Offer by clicking here.
SEND Policy
The staff and governors of Lydgate Junior School aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all children; that includes setting suitable learning challenges, responding to pupils’ diverse learning needs and overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessments.
The Governing Body and teaching staff will do their best to ensure that the necessary provision is made for any pupil who has SEND (Special Educational Needs or Disability) and ensure that, where the Headteacher or the appropriate governor has been informed by the LA (Local Authority) that a pupil has SEND, those needs will be made known to all who are likely to teach them.
Our SENCo is Alix Wall
Our SEND Governor is Alex Howlett
You can view our SEND Policy by clicking here.
You can view our SEND Information Report by clicking here.
You can view our Disability Access Plan here.
You can contact our SENCo by email — senco@lydgate-jun.sheffield.sch.uk
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