Super work to share
It's been another busy week at school and home. We have been blown away by your efforts this week. Take a look and see what we've all been up to.
The children in school have been writing reports, working on measuring and fractions, taking part in scavenger hunts and doing May Day activities. They also did some alphabet photography, finding things around them that look like letters in their names.
As always, we like to keep active so we did a work out on GoNoodle called Pump It Up and another called Catman in Space, which was good fun.
Why not give it a try at home?
Our rainbow fence is growing and growing. Mr Swain did some graffiti art with the year 3s and 4s this week and we wrote messages onto ribbons to tie onto the fence.
Children from home have been creating things for our fence too and have enjoyed coming down to school to tie their things on. Look at this lovely rainbow bunting!
Here's some more lovely art work made especially for the fence.
Allen went to look at the fence when he did his daily bike ride.
Diane has been making art work of a different kind. Look at these amazing pictures of a shark, a lion and a cheetah.
It was a bug hotel last week - this week it's banana loaf!
Lots of you are continuing to work hard on maths and English. Here's Oliver, working inside this week!
This lovely boy is writing a weekly newspaper to share with his grandparents who are self-isolating. What a brilliant way to keep them in touch!
Ruby has worked hard on English - this is her 'Waking the giant' work.
And this is Isla's story and illustration. Kindness wins in the end!
Ellie has enjoyed the Waking the giant story too. It's quite an adventure. She has also worked hard making this Gryffindor common room with her lego.
And here is a Waking the giant story from Gus. He made this lovely Arctic habitat poster too.
As well as making a minibeast safari in his garden, Alex has been busy making this Wolf report. Very impressive.
This is George's work. He's been enjoying finding out about the Arctic too.
He also did a bit of research on John Williams, which Mrs Smith found very interesting.
This busy bee has made this very informative mindmap about Arctic animals and also been doing a bit of soldering in her spare time!
Isabel continues with her science and outdoor learning. This week she has been making glow in the dark jars and also enjoyed making bird feeders. She's hoping to spot some birds using her 'Garden Birds' book.
Lolia has been missing everyone - she made a presentation to let us know.
Our challenges have gone down particularly well with you all. First of all, the photography challenge. You really are a creative lot!
Charlotte made her full name.
Who do you think did this one?
And this one?
Ethan made his name with things he found around his bedroom.
Allen did the whole alphabet.
And so did Isla.
And so did George!
Olivia and her sister made these fantastic film characters from toilet rolls. Olivia did Inspector Clousseau and her sister joined in with Sherlock Holmes, Dr Watson and Moriarty!
Look at these incredible milk carton penguins. Jacob said it was the highlight of his week. We think it might be ours too!
And finally, these two lovely lads have been running to raise money for the NHS - 3000 laps of their garden, inspired by the wonderful Captain Thomas Moore.
They've already beaten their target of £150 and they are only a third of their way through. Fantastic work boys - keep on running!
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