Thursday 18th April

A new arrival in Y6!

We all had a big surprise on Tuesday morning when we found out that Mrs Phillips had already had her baby - two weeks early. She came to school on Monday morning and had her baby that night! He weighed 7lb and he's enjoying being at home with his proud mummy and daddy. Congratulations to Mrs and Mr Phillips and welcome to the world baby Elias!

Another new arrival in Y6!

Because Mrs Phillips is now very busy, we have welcomed Mr Bradshaw into our year group. He's very excited to be here and would like to say a very big thank you to his class for being so kind and helpful in his first week. He made them all stars of the week!

We are pleased you have come to join us Mr Bradshaw - we know you're going to have lots of fun!

Our other stars

Well done to our stars of the week - one for improvement in writing, one for a great attitude and two for starting up a Forest Schools club for younger children in the school. Brilliant stuff.

Decorated Egg Day

We were so impressed by our Y6 entries in the Easter Egg competition - too many to show but here are a few examples. There were some really creative ideas. Well done to all our winners and a very big thank you to Mrs Ainsworth who organised it all.

And finally, a date reminder for parents

Thursday 25th April is our SATs information drop-in for parents. This will be held in your child's classroom at 3.30pm. 6NL and 6CP will be together in the double mobile. We hope this will be useful in helping you to support your children over the next few weeks.

Information packs will be sent home after the meetings. This link may be of interest too, particularly the last point - remember to relax - it's really important.

Enjoy the long weekend!Image result for daffodils

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