Viking Day

Thursday 7th February was the Y5 Viking Day! We spent the day dressed as Vikings doing fun activities.

First we started the day learning about the Viking gods doing information on posters(that was our morning work). After that, we did Viking top trumps where we got pictures of our self then we rated our Viking skills and described ourselves using all our grammar skills.

After play, we were painting our shields,which we made on Wednesday. All the Y5 had different colours:

Y5AP Blue

Y5SH Red 

Y5R/R Yellow 

Y5R/J Green

Once we finished that, we were doing Viking runes (also known as the old language of Norse).We were creating secret messages like 'The Anglo-Saxons are coming' or 'Loki is a trickster.' And that was just in the morning!

In the afternoon we did drama the story of Thor's hammer. After all that, we had a Viking rampage where we shouted our chants. Near the end of the day, we listened to a Viking story in the base read by a mysterious monk .

By Roneth & Hassan 

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