We love our Viking topic!
We have now just finished the 3rd week in the Spring term in year 5. We are really enjoying our Viking topic. So far, we have learned why the Vikings left their homeland and lots about the longships they designed and built that enabled them to make such epic voyages. Having researched these ships by watching a DVD and reading information in different books, the children are writing an explanation to explain why the longships were so superior to other ships at that time. This piece of writing is the perfect showcase for the key year 5 writing skills we have been working on since September.
We have linked our Art topic with the Vikings too and the children have studied Viking art as inspiration for the design of a screen print that will be used to make a sail on the Viking longship that we will make next half term. At home, the children are researching an aspect of Viking life that they find interesting. They will use the information gathered to write a report next week. We are also getting ready for our Viking Day on Thursday February 7th. The children are preparing their costumes and cutting out a large circle of thick cardboard so that we can all make a Viking shield painted in the colours of our tribe (or class!). It should be a great day. By immersing ourselves in the study of the Vikings in so many different ways, the children are hopefully getting an in depth picture of what life was like in the Viking era.
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