Welcome back Year 6s!

We are all feeling very positive to be back at Lydgate Junior School, especially starting our exciting year as Year 6s!

In our first ICT lesson we completed a well-being questionnaire and we have since learnt how to create fantastic, positive posters with inspirational quotes.

"Some days are better,

Some are worse.

Look for the blessing,

Instead of the curse.

Be positive - never be negative!"

By Yomna.

Vincent's Quote

"Yesterday is history,

Tomorrow is a mystery,

Today is a gift ,

That is why we call it the present."

By Vincent.

Tabie says "When you fall in a hole, I'll be your ladder!"

Remina's poster reminds us that "It's great to be different!"

There were 30+ amazing quotes but we will finish with...

"I have not failed I have just found 10,000 ways that don't work."

In Y6HN we created wordles in our ICT lesson, we are really pleased with them.

In Y6CP we have learnt about Anne Frank and how she went into hiding during WW2. We were amazed by what she went through and how positive she remained. We have also started our whole school art project and have all had a go at drawing a detailed sketch of a wolf. We think they will look amazing when they are finished.

In Y6RJ, in P.E we have been doing volleyball. It's been very fun and we have enjoyed it loads! We played with the big pink balls that we have in our classroom. We have played in teams, groups and pairs with people that we wouldn't normally be with, which has been very fun. But it has also been quite strange as we have to wear our P.E kits all day (can be a little smelly), but overall it has been really fun!

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